Our Beliefs
– The inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word of God
– The absolute deity of Jesus Christ, God’s Son
– The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah
– The sovereignty of God in salvation
– Christ’s substitutionary death upon the cross for sinners
– The bodily resurrection of Christ from the grave
– Christ’s ascension into Heaven
– Christ’s present ministry as our Great High Priest
– The pretribulational return of Christ for His church, followed by the premillennial return of Christ to set up his Kingdom on earth
We hold to the following Baptist Distinctives:
- Biblical authority
- Regenerate, baptized church membership
- Priesthood of the believer
- Individual soul liberty
- Autonomy of the local church
- Association with like minded churches
- Congregational Church Government
- Congregations led by teaching pastors
- Congregations served by deacons
- Separation of church and state
Our complete statement of faith is available upon request.